Tribeca: New Exhaust Hood Going Up!

Progress continues in our new Tribeca Kitchen and Learning Facility. Our generous and able construction partners have begun raising the exhaust hood which will keep the air In our busy future kitchen clean and safe. We're very happy with every goal we reach no matter how small because the end result will be bigger than any of us can imagine. In a few months, we'll be baking and packaging our granola right here in Tribeca!Changing the future for special needs people through education and meaningful work is a big undertaking. If you would like to join us and help build this revolutionary facility,  make a donation here.Very shortly, we will have new options for contributing to our Tribeca Capital Campaign so stay tuned for more info.


Tribeca Citizen: Seen & Heard: Luv Michael's Granola Shop


LUV Michael Founders Dr. Lisa Liberatore and Dr. Dimitri Kessaris Honored by NSASA